Saturday, 29 November 2008

9 weeks old

Its been a fun week. On Monday we went on a cold walk with some friends along the solar system to Bishopthorpe. We braved dazzling sun and driving sleety rain and so when we got to Bishopthorpe we felt that we deserved a cup of tea at one of the pubs. That quickly turned into lunch (with a very fine pint of Bombardier), and the babies sat contentedly and made faces at all the little old ladies!

Clothes again!

On Friday we had coffee with four different sets of babies/toddlers and their parents, and so to celebrate our social whirlwind, we made raisin cakes! Actually, Nathaniel decided to have a 20 minute snooze and I figured that that was just enough time to make cakes and so prioritised cake over washing up. A very sensible decision!


A highlight of the week was Nathaniel deciding to sleep until 5:15am. Thats 9 hours sleep! He can do that again whenever he fancies! Obviously he hasn't repeated it!

Saturday, 22 November 2008


This week we experimented with clothes! To be honest, they are not what they are cracked up to be. It takes ages to take off and put on trousers when you are changing nappies, and socks are a total waste of time. At least sleepsuits are warm and their feet don't fall off.

A jolly moment wearing the jumper that Philippa knitted

A potatoey moment in the buggy

It has been a very smiley and grinful week, and Nathaniel has generally found everything rather exciting. He has a particular preference for watching toddlers and and laughing at them, and when we went to the cinema he liked looking at the other babies and frowning at them if they cried! Here are a couple of the least blurred pictures that I took when he was enjoing being tickled. He's not actually smiling, coz its hard to tickle and take photos at the same time, but he looks pretty contented!

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Two months on!

Nathaniel is 8 weeks old today! He celebrated by sleeping from 8pm until 2am and then again until 6am. Thats almost civilised! It meant that we could have Chinese with Rosie and Pete after he had gone to bed and still get a good night's sleep! Horray!

Monday, 10 November 2008

Interested Nathaniel

Nathaniel has started to get much more interested, and hence interesting! He looks at things for a serious amount of time, and finds them all very interesting. He is still a big fan of his Old Macdonald mobile - he lies in his cot and wiggles his legs and arms and coos at it!

He favourite times of day are first thing in the morning when he has eaten, and 5pm-ish when Ian comes home from work and it is nearly bath time. But he also enjoys singing loudly to himself at convenient times such as in the library and while I am on the phone!

These photos are from first thing in the morning, hence the general lack of light. I'll try and lighten them at some point.....

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Growing up

Nathaniel is really growing! He started off at 50cm, now he is 57cm long. He even has started to fit into some of his clothes. Doesn't change the fact that we are mostly too lazy to bother with clothes when there are babygrows available!

I assume he is not planning on becoming a boxer!
