So we were really ready for the first warm weekend of the year and spent it making sure that we got too much sun and slightly dehydrated.
James came to visit and so Nathaniel had an extra friend to play outside with.
We spent a good proportion of the day sitting in the Museum Gardens reading the papers, throwing frisbees and playing complicated ball games that involved Nathaniel dutifully carrying the ball to various adults to throw. After Nathaniel had gone to bed, we set fire to charcoal in the garden and feasted on many things:
And when we started to get chilly, retired inside for a 4 hour game of:
Here are the compulsory photos of people in the Evil Balaclava.
If you are confused and slightly disturbed, read the background here.
The next day, Nathaniel had a nice long nap while James and we had a pub lunch in the Ebor garden. Then the paddling pool came out!
Nathaniel enjoyed filling it with the hose, with the expected consequences!
And then played for hours with a camping kettle and a cup while I lay on the grass and considered how nice it was to have a real garden!