Saturday, 31 January 2015


Whenever we look through photos, the month of January always seems really tedious, as if nothing interesting happened at all. In fact lots of things happen every year, but they tend to be more run-of-the-mill things after the excitement of Christmas. So here are some things (mainly not exciting), that we got up to;

Lots of cycling on the moor:

Playing in the park:

Going swimming and enjoying hair drying afterwards:


This is one of the first pictures that Thea has drawn that not only has a story, but is understandable by the casual viewer. This shows the Mummy, Daddy, Brother and Jean-Luc blue whales in their beds. The brother and Jean-Luc are in cots.

There have been tiny amounts of snow. Nothing like the blizzards of Oxfordshire:

Dressing up like an astronaut:

In a totally unrelated activity, I have been running astronomy club at school. This has included some planet sorting:

and a trip to the University Astrocampus where Nathaniel put a bunch of flowers into liquid nitrogen:

Trips to the bog:

Lots of baking with friends:

Pretending that we are hamsters and building hamster runs:

So not a total lack of activity, just no exciting adventures!

Monday, 12 January 2015


I'm not saying that walking hasn't been useful, but for us, getting the kids on bikes has been the most useful exercise for promoting real life! And Thea has now joined our happy gang. Here's her first attempt last week on a bike that is at least 2 inches too big for her:

She can't really reach the ground, but when she needs to stop, she's developed a safe-falling mechanism where she sticks one leg out at 45 degrees and then falls until her foot hits the ground! Very entertaining, but hardly safe.

We've borrowed a smaller bike for her, but the dimensions are all wrong and she can't pedal it without tipping herself off the saddle. These problems don't seem to bother her - she's happy on her far too big bike! Today she cycled to school and we collected Nathaniel and a friend and they all cycled back together. I had to jog along side to save Thea in case of unexpected dogs/youff, but this didn't seem to limit her enjoyment.

And her and Finn are having a whale of a time:
She just needs to grow.......