The obsession with Pokemon continued and we all practised drawing our favourite Pokemon (or any that we didn't feel were totally silly. I refuse to deal with the creature that is known as "the transport pokemon"!).
We went for a cycle ride along the solar system to have a pub lunch with friends.
And played more board games.
Then term started and everything has become busy again. Everyone seems happy about school. Nathaniel's half-termly topic is Darwin and the Beagle and has already involved a trip to Tropical World to see meercats and poison dart frogs. Thea's topic is Brazil and she is earnestly learning Portuguese. They are off to a Brazilian restaurant tomorrow to learn some traditional (really??!) dishes. The kids and I have been preparing for science club by doing dry runs at home. This is the one millionth take of our Heath Robinson machine.
We escaped up Sutton Bank for a walk and found something that was almost snow.
We were very lucky - we left York in a January cloud (not metaphorical) and wasn't expecting it to lift. So when we found sunshine we were delighted!
Two hockey tournaments have been played and enjoyed. Nathaniel has decided that he quite enjoys being in goal as well. It's a shame that the helmet doesn't have room for his glasses. Nevertheless, he is surprisingly good at it considering that he has no depth perception!
Music is up and running. It was a bit manic this weekend, so while I took Nathaniel to multple lessons scattered across town, Ian and Dorothea walked along to the walls and imprisoned Thea in the Castle Museum (her favourite).
Nathaniel is enjoying his first group rendition of In the Mood on recorder (I don't suppose it will be the last!) and we've been dancing around the living room stamping at the right points! Thea is overjoyed to have got onto Hunter's Chorus (Weber).
Choir has started. Here is the traditional what-I-did-while-waiting-for-Han photo Thea was with me this week, so we drank free tea outside the tea shop.
Then she got some good news:
Alison (the conductor of choir) says that Thea can join choir after Easter. This is exciting as the published youngest age is Year 3. She's pretty proud of herself!
Ian has been in Portugal fending off a cold, enjoying the tiles and buying Portuguese books for Thea's class.
And now it is Sunday and after lunch with friends, kids around to play and general running around, there is calm. We are listening to Whitacre, I am reading a very good book and the kids are creating their own Pokemon cards with new Pokemon of their own devising. Poor Ian is on a train to London😪.