One of the things that he likes best is cooking, and so we have done lots. We graduated from raisin buns and jam tarts to apple sauce, cheese crackers and stew!
Apple sauce was pretty good. Nathaniel waved a peeler around while I peeled and chopped apples and then he stirred them (what, you'd forgotten that important step in the recipe?!), and added the cinnamon. I've already mentioned Nathaniel's love of strong flavours. Lets just say that that batch of apple sauce was particularly spicy!
Stew was his favourite activity. We went on a very cold and wet cycle ride to the butcher's to buy the ingredients and then Nathaniel helped peel and chop the onions and then layered the meat and onions in the stew pot. He was so proud when Ian came home and could be presented with "Daddy's stew"!
So basically, making supper has become a million times easier (ie he doesn't hang round my ankles whining "Mummy come too and play"), and simultaneously a million times harder (you have to find a Nathaniel friendly recipe). I anticipate lots more stew and roasted veg!!
Peeling onions!
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