Friday, 4 February 2011

A hint of spring

A blustery south-westerly wind has blown into York, buffeting the house and making cycling in any direction other than north-east an exhausting activity. Although I feel certain that winter has not left us, it's nice to have the wind feel warm against your face, and I can almost smell the green in the air.

Our garden is now full of branches, both substantial and twig-like, so yesterday Nathaniel, "Aun Minnie" and I went and collected them to make a Winter tree for our dining table.

Like all best laid plans, it didn't go quite to plan. Nathaniel enjoyed cutting all my decoration shapes in half, and the picture above is of him systematically unwrapping each one after we had officially finished the activity.

But it's very pretty. I'm sure that if we were a proper Steiner family it would have needle-felted snowdrops on it, but Nathaniel likes stars and moons, and so that's what we've got.

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