Thursday, 19 April 2012


Nathaniel has been obsessed with windmills ever since he was first introduced to Windy Miller. He can explain to you in great detail the differences between traditional and modern windmills and once had a tantrum in the car because we couldn't do anything about the fact that the wind farm we were passing had all the sails docked (this, he tells me, is the term for when the sails are not turning even though there is wind. How does he know this?!)

Fortunately we have a windmill rather closer to us than is terribly likely, and this week the Very Young Friends of West Bank Park (a forest-schooly type of group we go to). went to visit.

Nathaniel was in his element. We could have been there for weeks while he examined all the models and then the actual cogs and ropes and trap doors.

It is very hard to take photos in limited light when you are trying to avoid too many children's faces. So you can't see Nathaniel behind the arm of Jenny who was giving us the tour (and some great stories). But rest assured that he was hanging on her every word and was so engrossed in thinking about how everything worked that he didn't want his turn at using the model mill stones to grind some wheat!

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