Friday, 26 April 2013


We didn't have 34 degree heat, penguins or the furthest end of the world to explore today, so we had to be content with simple pleasures!

We started off by taking cars for a walk in a wheel barrow:

And did some climbing on the newly named "picnic log".

We only had an imaginary picnic, but it was very tasty.

Then we played with friends and took a walk by the river in Bishopthorpe to the airstream coffee caravan for a drink, a snack of sausages and ketchup and playing with hula hoops and slides.

While we were there, we were overjoyed to watch two different types of boats being removed from the water on giant trailers pulled by 4x4s. So back at home, we needed to construct an appropriate accessory for our matchbox jeep with trailer and rib.

Now it is decorated with pens as well!

We finished the day with a relaxing bath. Assuming you class swimming races, "wine" and "beer" making and hug-chases relaxing activities.

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