Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Pujo (Part 3)

Then on to Brian and Jacy's where did a great deal of not much.

It was a very fine campsite;

With very attentive, albeit camera-shy, staff!

We just relaxed! One day we never left the house. Nathaniel and Thea spent the morning hosepiping, and after nap time, spent the afternoon in the pool.

Thea was strangely reluctant to get in, and spent the whole afternoon playing with inflatables around the pool and sometimes dangling her legs. She wasn't terribly impressed when anyone went under water, and it took a bit of reassurance to stop her looking very worried when Ian or I took a running jump in.

The next day we ventured out (!) for a wander around the village and enjoyed just poddling along the streets, looking at the views, peering into people's gardens, and exploring the common land.

That afternoon we coaxed Thea into the water, and after that she was quite a water baby. She did, however, refuse to wear armbands - only wanting them on her legs!

We had a wonderful time. We sat and drank nice wine and ate wonderful food and chatted, and the children just roamed about. They loved the cats and Thea tried to follow them everywhere.

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