Sunday, 1 February 2015

Brass Day

The idea of trying out some brass instruments really excited the kids, and they asked about the Brass Day regularly after I mentioned that it was going to happen, so a plan was hatched.

In the morning we headed out to the Early Music Centre to join York RI Golden Rail Band members who had an array of instruments for us to try:

We all enjoyed the euphonium, though Nathaniel tells us that his favourite was the trumpet. Thea won over this gentleman with a tuba by making quite a passable noise. He was rather surprised!

Then we made our way down the road to Melton's Too for far too much tasty lunch (and pudding) with friends and played with the toys provided for the kids:

And then we took ourselves back to the NCEM for a concert from the Band and the Development band. Thea looked as if she was going to fall asleep during most of it (see previous comment about amount of food consumed!), but it was very much enjoyed by all. Nathaniel was most taken by the idea that you can join the development band, and for a small amount of subs, be given an instrument and tuition and play every week in the band. Fortunately he can't learn until he's got adult front teeth, so that gives me a bit longer to drum into him that there can be no more instruments until he can promise to practise all of them!

Watch this space......

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