Wednesday, 16 March 2016


And so we count down the days to the Easter holidays, because everyone is tired and I have a cold.

But in the mean time, Thea and F are on a painting kick:

It was Ian's birthday, so we made him a cake. And jolly nice it was too.

Ian and I had a day off. So while the kids were at a friend's, making fires at their allotment, we took a trip onto the chilly moors and drove along my favourite sort of roads.

We stopped for random walks to places that might not be exciting to little people and marched in the snow (which is hard to take photos of).

And we had a pub lunch without having to fret about terrible table manners!

Then suddenly, spring arrived. And so it rapidly became time to massacre the hedge, because 14ft just isn't a sensible height!

Let's just hope that laurel grows back as well in York as it does in the Pyrenees!

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