Monday, 27 March 2017

March 3

Despite a sudden downpour, we had a great afternoon of branch drums and sardines at Moorlands. We avoided the Sunday bimblers on the paths and headed deep into the rhododendrons to make percussion instruments out of the bare branches.

Ian returned from Paris and so we celebrated his birthday.

The hockey obsession continued as we invested in four sticks and balls. Every evening is now hockey evening and I've had to learn all the different moves and lots of different techniques!

And the practice seems to have paid off as Nathaniel was awarded the trophy for great wonderfulness at hockey at the club on Friday. He was soooooo pleased with himself.

Grandpa Beard came to stay and we destroyed things. Thea now tells me that this is her favourite sort of gardening - she tells me that cutting and chopping things is better than planting bulbs.

The first summer-den building of the season:

And he brought the best presents - new dragon suits! Thank you Granny Janni, they love them (and Thea didn't change all weekend!)

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