Sunday, 19 June 2011

Running (2011)

Today was Mikey's 5k in the park so we went along to cheer him on in British style (ie clap for everyone politely as they passed us).

It occured to us, that our exciting weekend was somewhat similar, if not exactly the same as last year, which was almost depressing. But lets face it, fruit picking and cheering Mikey are fun activities, so why not do them annually?! And anyway, it's very Steinery to mark the rhythm of the year with annual festivals, and if they involve food and friends, what better way to do it.

So we pottered down to Rowntree Park and clapped politely as Mikey ran around rather quickly.

He got a great time, but as I'm writing this several weeks later, I can't for the life of me remember what it was, except that it was pleasing to all!

Afterwards we all had fun playing in the park:

All of us!

Parks aren't just for toddlers you know!

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