Sunday, 17 November 2013


Thea has had a lovely second birthday. Thank you for all her wonderful gifts and cards.

This is the first time that Thea really understood that it was her birthday, but nevertheless, Nathaniel was the most excited of the two of them, and we suspect that he had been awake with anticipation from 5am!

But he was very good at finding an appropriate level of help to provide in unwrapping presents.

Thea had fun playing with her toys.

I've always thought that these little trampolines were a bit of a waste of space, but then I have never met someone who enjoys bouncing as much as Thea! It will give the bed and the floor a bit of a rest!

Thea is pleased to discover the pockets in her new dress, but finds that they are less hazardous when she isn't jumping!

Later, some friends came to play and we had "Happy Birthday cake".

Surprisingly, Thea got all shy once the candles were lit, and Finn had to blow them out for her. But when we relit them later with just the four of us, she was very happy for us to sing and her to extinguish.

Now all we have to do is persuade her to let us put the trampoline in the garden!

NB I have no idea why Thea refused to wear tights all day. She sported a variety of trousers with her new dress including tracksuit bottoms and pajamas!

1 comment:

Nimmy said...

Good work on the cake, I'm impressed!