Monday, 11 November 2013


Today Thea and I went into school to attend the "Writer of the Month" Assembly. It was such fun. One writer from each of the six classes got up and read their writing, or an exerpt from their writing, to the school. And there was good natured heckling from the teaching, and pupils put up their hands to offer ironic comments at the expense of the teachers. Wonderful - exactly what we were hoping the school would provide!

We discovered that Nathaniel had been awarded this accolade for his piece on Divali. He had coloured in a picture of Rama and written next to it, completely legibly, "It is a god.". The notable element of this was that they haven't yet discussed sentences structure yet, and Nathaniel had started his with a capital letter entirely independently which impressed his teacher. Not bad.

As well as being applauded by the school, Nathaniel was awarded with a certificate and a book token, and his picture and a copy of his work is being displayed in the hall all month. How exciting!

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