Wednesday 14 August 2013

Summer holidays

It's been busy so far, and we're all a bit tired:

But here are some highlights: Going for walks in various outfits with various wheeled vehicles:


Looking at motorbikes in great detail at the steam fair:

Playing dressing up (though I don't think that shops generally encourage it!):


(I have tried to be a good Steiner parent and provide open-ended art activities, but even with me modeling interesting projects, they are only interested in some paint and blank paper for a maximum of two and a half minutes. But when they found the magic painting books they were suddenly enthralled and spent hours at it! I might give up trying to nurture their creative side and admit that we have created two scientists!)

Counting our vast fortune:



Also (not pictured), making "machines" in the living room (all called Bertha), hosepiping, sandpitting, more swinging, balloons, drawing. And there have been some stupendous camping trips, a little foray into France and one rather big wedding. More to come when we have another minute.........

1 comment:

Granny Janny said...

Hooray! More lovely blog pictures.
Very happy granny xxx