Friday 25 September 2009


Nathaniel has had a fine first birthday! He enjoyed opening presents, and sometimes even played with the present instead of the wrapping. Thank you very much for all his exciting new toys, clothes and books.

As we were having a few of Nathaniel's friends round for coffee, I decided that he should have a cake. I dutifully created one covered in thick chocolatey, fudgey icing, and then realised my error. Although I'm not particularly house proud, the idea of five one year olds smearing that icing all over the sofas.......

So I made a second, baby friendly cake with substantially less icing. This one was a serious victoria sponge filled with home-made plum jam made the night before at the WI (don't laugh yet - I'll explain another time!).

Two cakes!

The cake went down pretty well! Nathaniel was slightly confused with the whole candle-blowing business, but he greatly enjoyed doing the eating and attacked any piece that stayed still.

In fact he dealt very well with the whole party atmosphere. We limited guests during the day to five babies plus parents, and so it wasn't too overwhelming. Nathaniel actually played with his friends!

(some baby's identities have been concealed....)

In the evening, we had a second wave of visitors (and presents!) after everyone had got back from work. Nathaniel stayed up a bit to open up his gifts and try on his hats(!) and then went to sleep to allow us to enjoy a celebratory curry and beer!

A baby can never have enough hats!

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